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Smile Gallery

Wincrest Orthodontics Logo

Smile Gallery

When you’re considering upgrading your smile, we get that you’re likely interested in seeing before-and-after photos of patients treated by Dr. Winters and our Wincrest Orthodontics team.

Check out these stunning smile transformations and call us today to start your orthodontic journey!

Info To Come

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This patient had a tooth completely blocked out by the lower and canines that erupted high. Treatment time was 15/24 months.


Misalignments on this patient’s upper and lower jaw were corrected within 16 months using traditional braces.

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Info To Come

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Crowding issues and an elevated upper right canine were rectified with traditional braces in 20 months.

Hunter-before-(1) Hunter-after-(1)

This patient’s speech issues, anterior crossbite, and Class 3 underbite were treated in seven months with traditional braces.

Keith-before-(1) Keith-after-(1)

This patient’s Class 1 occlusion, crowding, and crossbite issues were treated with traditional braces in 20 months.

Landon-before-(1) Landon-after-(1)

This patient’s crowding and Class 1 bite issue were corrected with traditional braces in 17 months.

Micah-before-(1) Micah-after-(1)

This patient’s Class 1 occlusion was rectified with traditional braces in just 16 months.

Taliah-before-(1) Taliah-after-(1)

Traditional braces helped correct this patient’s deep bite in 16 months.

Arlene-before-(1) Arlene-after-(1)

This patient’s crowding and crossbite issues were rectified with traditional braces in just 18 months.

Emma-before-(1) Emma-after-(1)